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[HANASHIR:17002] Re: V'samachta B'chagecha

I don;t usually get too involved...Adrian...back me up and tell them its 
By the time this discussion is over on if to sing V'samachta or not to sing 
V'samachta we will all have aged considerably and missed the opportunity to 
have any Simchas Yontiff whatsoever. 
Folks, my advice is Saturday night and Sunday: 1. Don;t take anything, 
including yourself too seriously. 2. sing V'samachta, sing anything. Dance, in 
line, in a circle, coed, single gender, who cares just dance. Have a drink, 
two drinks. Say Freilechen Purim or say Chag Sama-ach, just don't say Happy 
Tisha B'av. . Give some extra tzedakah but eighty six this pilpul. It's Adar 
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.  
B. Herst

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