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[HANASHIR:16595] Need Music for a Celebrating the Sadness Program

OK, here's an interesting request for assistance. I created a series of
monthly Family programs for the school this year. This weekend, I am doing a
short Family/student program for Grades K-whatever. 

Well, as always, having a penchant for going from New York to D.C. by way of
China, I saddled myself with a challenging topic. The theme is "Celebrating
the Sadness" and I am going to be teaching, in very abbreviated form, about
the reasons and value in having "holidays" and rituals  that commemorate sad
events, and, ultimately, about the value to us as individuals in remembering
the sad as well as the good in our own lives. (The key that got me this
particular topic, my working to make each monthly family program relate to
the time at hand, is the fact that it is Tevet, which early on has the sad
commemoration of Asara b'Tevet, and, like Cheshvan, has no celebratory
holidays. In Cheshvan, I did a Shabbat-based program, using the lesson that
Cheshvan is not really without holidays, as it has the best holiday of all 4
times-Shabbat. So I figured this time around I would tackle the issue of
"sad" holidays and remembrances head on.)

I am managing to find suitable materials to put this program together, but I
am really struggling for some music that works with the theme, and is family
friendly. So I'm turning to this wonderful community for assistance,
something that oddly, I don't do as often as I probably should, being its
founder and moderator!

If your response is worth sharing with the whole list, by all means do so.
But if you think it might not be all that useful to others, simply write me
off list at adrian (at) durlester(dot)com(dot)



Adrian A. Durlester, MTS
E-mail: adrian (at) durlester(dot)com
Director of Education & Congregational Life, Bethesda Jewish Congregation,
Bethesda, MD
Co-Director, Hazamir/JTAI Choir of Greater DC
Past Conf Chair, CAJE 27, August 4-8, 2002, Trinity University, San Antonio,
List Owner, hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Jewish Songleaders/Performers List
Co-Owner, l-torah (at) shamash(dot)org; Liberal Torah Discussion List

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