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[HANASHIR:15144] RE: virus????

Shira and everyone, 
It is a virus.  Our IT people recently sent out a warning about it.  I
forget the name of the virus, but it seems like you need to run live update
on your antivirus protection every day right now!  
Emily C. Blank
Economics Department, Howard University
-----Original Message-----
From: Shira Kline [mailto:shirlalala (at) earthlink(dot)net] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 3:15 PM
To: hanashir
Subject: [HANASHIR:15129] virus????
Hey everyone,
Are you getting these random email messages from hanashir addresses with a
subject like "Re: Your application" or "Re:  Details"  or "Re:  Thank you"
which then open up and tell you to see the attachment, which there is
none????  I've gotten about 20 of these today and I fear that some kind of
virus thingie is going through our list, is that possible?
Shira Kline
shirlalala (at) earthlink(dot)net <mailto:shirlalala (at) earthlink(dot)net> 

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