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[HANASHIR:15118] Re: short answer to Sholom's question

Robert Horowitz is correct - we have not yet abandoned
the use of leeches. I have previously thought about
the analogy between medical and cantorial training,
but have hesitated to post my opinion. Medical
training as it is down nowadays is a comparatively
recent phenomenon. For hundreds of years, physicians
trained by apprenticeship to an established master.
There was little academic content to what was taught,
and no system of standardization from one teacher to
another. The establishment of university-affiliated
medical schools, over the last hundred years or so,
brought about a tremendous improvement in medical
training. You expect your doctor to have completed
four years of medical school (usually after 2 to 4
years of premedical studies), as well as a residency
in family practice or in a specialized field. His
credentials must be evaluated by his state or
provincial medical college before he can practice.
Similarly, I expect that any cantor I meet will have a
strong academic background with intensive training in
both religion and music. I am not prepared to accept a
lesser standard.
There is no reason, however, that laymen with musical
ability and religious knowledge should not participate
actively in the service, but they must not be
permitted to substitute for the Chazzan.

Edward Katz, M.D.
Member: Shaare Zion Congregation Choir, Montreal
Founding Member: Shir Hama'alot, Canada's newest Jewish chamber choir

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