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[HANASHIR:15117] Re: short answer to Sholom's question

(Very) small point:  Actually, leeching is still used in tissue transplantation and post-injury to reduce bleeding- a relative of mine had this done very recently at Westchester Medical Center-ugh-Sue Horowitz

>From: erik contzius
>Reply-To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
>Subject: [HANASHIR:15113] short answer to Sholom's question
>Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 07:28:16 -0700 (PDT)
>the question: since, for the american reform
>cantorate, the job description has changed, what does
>that mean for what the title, "cantor" meant in the
>past. i'll use the analogy of the doctor: once upon a
>time, leeches and lobotomies were prescribed for
>ailments; i know of no practicing doctor today who is
>fluent in the practice of administering leeches, nor
>would prescribe a lobotomy out of hand--okay... gross
>analogy. but the job of doctor has certainly evolved
>over the centuries. so too in the (and i can't
>underscore this enough) AMERICAN REFORM CANTORATE.
>it's not a matter of who calls themselves as such, but
>rather to what standard do members of the American
>Conference of Cantors wish to hold themselves. the job
>has changed.
>i'm anxious for this article on the cantorate, soon to
>appear in R.J. magazine, to come out already, as it
>(should) explain it pretty well.
>and yes, i'm very impressed at the professional and
>respectful tone this conversation has taken. kol
>hakavod to all participants!
>Cantor Erik L. F. Contzius
>New Rochelle, New York
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