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[HANASHIR:15108] Re: UAHC Congregations and The 'Union'

> Chevrei:
> After many postings that seem to properly address both
> the issue and the emotions behind the issue, let's
> continue to remain sensitive to each other. I kind of
> like the tone so far, but there is great potential to
> lash out at individuals who stand on both sides of the
> Cantorate and the Soloist camps.

Indeed, there is tricky gound here -- and I suspect that I'm about to make
it trickier.

For one, I appreciate all the posts.  I've certainly learned a lot about
the structure going on.

And now I'm going to float a naive idea here.  (Please be polite if I have
it all wrong).

Reading some of the posts, it seems to me as though the definition of
"Cantor" has been appropriated and changed into something else.

Now -- perhaps I have it all wrong -- but I thought that once upon a time
that "Cantor" was simply an Americanized term for what used to be referred
to as "Chazon" -- that is, the professional version of the "Shaliach

Over the past half-century or so, the job of Cantor has grown to include
educator, counseling, tutorer, back-up-halachic authority,
song-leading/teaching, and so forth.

Certainly, large congregations need such clergy, because the rabbi can't
"minister" to everyone, and s/he needs backup help.  In an ideal
situation, the Cantor can be the backup rabbi when the rabbi needs.

The question is though (and I'm afraid I'm not articulating it very well):
is whether the "Cantor's Union" has made these extra qualities (which are
important, no doubt!) as part and parcel of definition of Cantor, and now
anyone else who really only wants to be a professional Chazon can not now
attain the title of "Cantor".

So: what if someone only wants to be a professional Chazon?  And what if a
smaller type shul only desires such a person (i.e., they are not large
enough to need a back-up rabbi, they can't afford a back-up rabbis, and
they really only want a "voice" who is fully fluent in all the nusachot,
can lein Torah, Haftarah, etc.) ?

I hope I haven't offended!  Be nice!

Shabbat Shalom

-- Sholom

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