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[HANASHIR:15086] Re: Song info: "I can Heal the World with My Mind, My Heart, and my Hand?"

This is a Ben Harper song from his CD "Diamonds on the Inside". (I'm going from 
memory here, my CD is at the office). I've heard the song quite often on 
mainstream FM stations around Boston. The first line is "I can save the world 
with my own two hands".

I purchased the CD. I wanted to use the song with my Prozdor students this year 
(8th and 9th grade). I'm still figuring out how to approach the fact that he's 
got another song at the end of the CD overtly Christian/Jesus focused. But, I 
think the "I can save the world" is a song that grabs folks and will probably 
use it as a platform to explain the difference between Jewish and Christian 
concepts of tikkun olam, social action, mitavot, charity etc. It would be 
interesting to tie it in with "Mitzvah Goreiret Mitzvah".

Cantor Anne Heath
Rabbinic Intern/"The Rabbi"
Congregation Agudat Achime
Taunton, MA

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