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[HANASHIR:14239] Torah Reading

Suggestion for those frustrated with the level of talking during Torah
reading -- My rabbi reads a few words and translates AS HE GOES .... people
listen when they hear the English (someone appropriately pointed out that
for those who don't know Hebrew, and particularly for a long reading, people
start to whisper).  Because that was the Minhag when I arrived here, I began
to chant and translate as I went.  (Rabbi Shaul Feinberg made us do it our
first year in Israel at HUC, God bless him).  It's very powerful for the
people, helps make the text come alive -- AND as the layner ... I love it --
it has helped my Biblical Hebrew, helped me give life to the Hebrew when
people speak etc.  And it's not as hard as it seems to stop and start.  (One
could even do an English translation in the trope ... I'm not there yet!)

Try it, you'll like it!


------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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