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[HANASHIR:14221] RE: Neighbor Song

I applaud Ellen's message.  My kids grew up with Raffi, too, and we had the 
opportunity on several occasions to see him live, beginning when it was just 
him and his guitar.  Talk about how to songlead!!!   Also, just like many of 
the "songs of the 60's" which Jeff Klepper and Dan Friedlander featured in a 
session at Hava Nashira last year about Jewish themes and values, many of 
Raffi's songs do the same thing.  The one that immediately comes to mind is 
"One Light, One Sun" (which, by the way, is about our neighborhood of the 
world).  There is a gentleness and simplicity in many children's songs that 
can give comfort and a warm feeling to those listening, along with important 
messages no matter what their age. (They're also great sing-a-longs) I, too, 
sing for 1000's of children each year, most of whom are "under served", and, 
through the songs, they are learning lessons they would not get elsewhere.  
AND, I often include a few children's songs when I sing for adults, and they 
love them!  Well, "I'm In The Mood for singing, hey, how about you?"

I need to go "Shake My Sillies Out" now.  See some of you at HN and if you 
want to hear some Raffi songs, just ask me (or I bet Ellen knows many, too)
B'shalom and "Thanks A Lot",
Fran Moss

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