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[HANASHIR:14191] Lo Alecha -- Which Chapter and Verse Are Correct?

Chevrei --

I have seen some sources like the blue GOP (remember that siddur?) listing
the citation for "Lo Alecha" as Pirkei Avot 2:21.  But I have also seen
others such as "The Complete Shireinu" list it as Pirkei Avot 2:16.

In both cases the numerically preceding verse (2:15 or 2:21 -- take your
pick) is "Hayom katzar . . .".  Without my own copy of the original text at
home, I'm looking for some assistance and clarification -- what is the
correct citation in Pirkei Avot?  I'm also curious as to why there is this


Steve Meltzer
508-366-9457  (home)
508-579-8433  (cell)
AIM Screen Name:  meltz15
steve (at) meltzerworld(dot)net


"Who is wise?  One who learns from everybody."  --  Pirkei Avot 4:1

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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