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[HANASHIR:14178] Re: Mother's Day: My Yiddishe Mama

Hi Fran
I'm so glad you liked my translation!
What about, "how few were her pleasures, she never cared for fashion's 
styles"!!  and all the rest of it!  Most yiddishe mames I know don't 
identify with that!

From: Moss5533 (at) aol(dot)com
Reply-To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
Subject: [HANASHIR:14168] Re: Mother's Day: My Yiddishe Mama
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 11:38:53 EDT

Thank you for your beautiful translation.  I'm still wiping the tears!  And
as a side note, I never did like the originally translated line, ". . .that
dear little woman, so old and grey."  My mother was little, yes, but never
saw herself as "old and grey" ( tho she loved her shiny silver hair).
Perhaps that is why she radiated youth until the day she died at 81!

Thank you,
Fran Moss

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