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[HANASHIR:14139] Re: The Omer (aka Help Me, Jeff Klepper!)

Hi Everybody,

I sent the sheet music for 'We Are Counting' to Robin at, and
she'll send word out when it gets up-loaded. If you read music and would
like a copy, please email me and put  Re: We Are Counting as the subject
line.  The song has not yet been recorded but it's sure to be on my next

For all you New England folks who have nothing to do tomorrow night, I'm
giving a FREE concert at Temple Sinai of CRANSTON, R.I. at 7:30.  (There are
a lot of other Temple Sinai's so be careful...) Backing me up are Jon and
Dave from YOM HADASH!

All the info - including directions - is at:

Temple Sinai
30 Hagen Avenue
Cranston, RI 

Shabbat shalom,

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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