Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Many thanks for all the kind words about!  Here's an 
update on how things are going with the website.

Over the two week period April 9-22, had about 1,000 
visitors and something like four thousand music downloads, including over 
1,000 sheetmusic downloads. 

Over those two weeks, visitors to the website came from the US and over 
20 other countries: Canada, Germany, Brazil, United Kingdom, Australia, 
Israel, Sweden, Austria, Mexico, Netherlands, France, Argentina, 
Switzerland, Singapore, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Russia, Spain, 
Malaysia, and Italy. 

Many visitors found the website through a search on Google or Yahoo. Top 
search terms included "Passover, transliteration, questions, four, mp3, 
dayenu, music, songs, nishtana, sheet, hebrew, ma, lyrics, download, 
song, free, seder, chords, gadya, chad, audio, mah, translation, shabbat, 
kids, listen, shalom." In many searches, comes up first or 
in the top 10-20 sites. 

So please, keep sending recordings and sheet music to post, and rest 
assured that they will be enjoyed by many! I've recently received CD's by 
mail from Cantor Marcelo Gindlin and from Jackie Cytrynbaum/Fran Avni, 
so you can expect more new music online before long. And thanks again for 
all your encouragement!

-Robin Selinger
 robin (at) totshabbat(dot)com

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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