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[HANASHIR:14136] The Omer (aka Help Me, Jeff Klepper!)

My first year at Hava Nashira (97?), I learned a song by Jeff Klepper 
entitled "We are Counting."  This has become one of my favorites, and it 
always creeps back into my memory around Omer-time.

I would very much like to teach it at a NFTY retreat this weekend (where the 
kids don't yet know much from Omer), but I do not have my songsheet any 
longer.  If anyone has the lyrics and chords and can e-mail them to me at 
NeilNFW (at) aol(dot)com or can fax to 253-796-9363.  I would be eternally 

Jeff, has this song been published anywhere?

Neil Weinstein
Bellevue, WA

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