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[HANASHIR:14125] Re: Earth Day/Israeli Independence Day

just a suggestion - Care for the World works well for earth day.(on Daisies 
and Tuning into Nature)

AM ECHAD on Israel World Beat is a good independence day song as are 
L'Zarecha and Colours of Jerusalem.

My singing partner Susan Cogan has a wonderful new peace song, Shema Yisrael, 
the words are there in Hebrew and you can download the music.

 If anyone is interested, please check out the Susan and Fran page on  to see 
the details of our upcoming Israeli concert tour under the auspices of 
Ha-chodesh Ha-zemer Ha-ivri.
(We will be performing the song in Kalamazoo, MI on May 4th and it will be 
part of a new Israeli compilation recording due out in May.Also, a new 
version of SHOSHANIM is being released  by MCI in israel after Pesach which 
now includes this song, )
All very exciting!!!! To return full circle, and thirty years later to sing 
as a duo again, in Israel, is amazing .

I am so very grateful that I can still keep singing and creating. So I 
encourage and appreciate everyone who is keeping Jewish music alive.   
Chag sameach.
Fran Avni
favni (at) aol(dot)com  

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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