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[HANASHIR:14113] RE: My top 5 favorite CD's

Scott, et al:

Of course all of us "recording artists" on this list would love you to try 
our albums... and we hesitate to name the top 5, as we don't want to leave 
out any of our friends...and there are so MANY wonderful songs and artists 
and albums out there...but since you have ASKED for some recommendations, and 
you only mentioned male artists on your list of favorites, if you don't have 
the following, I would recommend checking them out....

Renewal of spirit, Debbie Friedman
Jewish lovesongs, Shirona
Israel world beat, Fran Avni

For children's songs, if you work with children, check out anything by:

Judy Caplan Ginsburgh
Cindy Paley
Susan Shane-Linder
Carol Boyd Leon

All the best,
-Karen Daniel
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