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[HANASHIR:14110] looking for publishing and composer info

Hey everybody,
I'm trying to track down the publishing info or at least composer information for some songs that I'm recording.  (More info on that later)
Would anyone happen to know about the following songs?
1.  The Maccabee March
It goes:  1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4 / Take your drum and march along with me
                1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4 / Everyone can be a maccabee...
2.  Who Fought Antiochus
It goes:  Who fought Antiochus, tell me please?
                I know, I know the Maccabbees...
3.  Ocho Kandelikas
4.  Al Hanisim - I know this was written by D. Primer, any idea who that is or how to contact him?
5.  Hodu Lashem
It goes:  Hodu Lashem, halleluyah (this is the one we famously divide up into two groups that each sing a part)
6.  Hall'l'l'la'le'la'le'le'luyah
This song has been circulating for a long time, we know we learned it years and years ago at Hava Nashira from Jonathan of California (?) So far I haven't been able to discover who wrote it, anybody??
Thank you!!!!  Any info would be fantastic.  I've checked the Harry Fox and BMI websites, but I'm confused about how to determine who really wrote a song, there are so many listings for each song.  Also, if I am able to get the information, I'm having a hard time figuring out how and who to contact in order to pay royalites.  I know many of you have done this several times before, I would really love some advice on these grounds.  Feel free to email me privately.  Shirlalala (at) earthlink(dot)net
Thanks for everything, Shira
Shira Kline
shirlalala (at) earthlink(dot)net

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