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[HANASHIR:14108] RE: My top 5 favorite CD's


First, the caveat that I am writing as myself, and not as list-owner. I'm
sure you'll get some interesting replies, and forgive me for putting a
damper on your request but, IMHO, the idea of "top 5" or "Top 10" etc. lists
is non-productive and not a useful exercise. Ranking artistic efforts seems
counter-intuitive to the very ideas of creative expression which yield music
and other forms of the arts.

If you had phrased the question in a less structured manner, such as "what
are some of your favorites?" (and I wouldn't use adjectives like "top" or
"most" when asking) I might feel more comfortable in expressing an opinion.
But I'm not comfortable being forced to rank compositions, performances,

I am quite sure other people would have different standards to judge such a
ranking than I would have. But asking for a ranking as opposed to a simple
listing, in no particular order, troubles me. I'm as interested as you are
in what other people might like or dislike, even though their tastes might
be quite different from mine.

There are few recordings I own that doesn't have something I like on it, and
doesn't have songs I could definitely live without hearing again. In the
face of that kind of diversity, how does one rank an entire album?

Also, what is your objectives are in soliciting this information and
collecting the recordings might affect how people might choose to respond.
Is your interest diversity? Authenticity? Stylistic? Do you want to develop
repertoire or is this for listening pleasure? Is it eh music that gives you
the pleasure or the Judaic content cleverly expressed?

I don't mean to put you on the spot-the questions are all rhetorical. I just
wanted to make my point about my personal discomfort with ranking music. I
hope you take no offense.

Chag kasher v'sameach


Adrian A. Durlester, MTS
E-mail: adrian (at) durlester(dot)com
Director of Education, Beth El Hebrew Congregation, Alexandria, VA
education(dot)director (at) bethelhebrew(dot)org
Co-Director, Hazamir/JTAI Choir of Greater DC
Past Conf Chair, CAJE 27, August 4-8, 2002, Trinity University, San Antonio,
List Owner, hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Jewish Songleaders/Performers List
Co-Owner, l-torah (at) shamash(dot)org; Liberal Torah Discussion List

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org [mailto:owner-hanashir (at) 
shamash(dot)org] On
Behalf Of Scott Shuster
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 8:41 AM
To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
Subject: [HANASHIR:14107] My top 5 favorite CD's

Hi Everyone,

As I'm building up my music collection and trying to decide what to buy
next, I thought I'd take a poll from the list of your favorite Judaic CD's.
What do you love the most? ... What are the must-haves (besides the Ruach

Here are my top 5 favorites:

1)  The Bridge - Sam Glaser
2)  Shabbat Alive - Rick Recht
3)  Friday Night Live - Craig Taubman
4)  Turn It - Mah Tovu
5)  All This Comes From You - Yom Hadash



Scott Shuster 
scott_shuster (at) yahoo(dot)com 
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