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[HANASHIR:14098] Hava Nashira

I'm finally able to make it to my first Hava
Nashira.  I haven't even booked my flight yet. 
I'm not sure if all the van/bus buzz is over, but
I have no idea how to get from the Milwaukee
airport to Camp.  How long a ride is it?  Are
there vans already reserved, and should I try to
plan my flight accordingly, or should I just
"wing it"?  And if I have to rent a van, is there
someone you guys usually go to?  And speaking of
inside info, is there anything you old-timers
would like to share with us newbies about the
camp?  You know, like at CAJE, you know to bring
your own pillows!  Thanks in advance, and Chag
Sameach to everyone!
Robin Shuler

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------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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