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[HANASHIR:14004] Ladino Wedding Songs


I just got married this summer and queried the Hanashir list with the same 
request for Ladino Love Songs about 6 months ago. Here's what I learned:

There are a ton of great Ladino love songs, although when you read through 
lyrics you will find that many of them are on the darker side, so if the 
guests are fluent Spanish speakers they may find them to be less "upbeat" 
than one might expect at a happy wedding. : )

In the end, my wife and I decided to have a friend sing Scalerica de Oro 
for us ("A ladder of gold and ivory so our little bride can go up and take 
her marriage vows. We've come to see, we've come to see, may they have joy 
and prosper and always be happy."). We also considered Los Bilbilicos and 
Morenica. I think sheet music and recordings of the former two are 
available on Kol Dodi: Jewish Music for Weddings, available from 
Transcontinental Music. I did not find a recorded copy of Morenica but I 
know there are folks on the list who will offer to sing it for your voicemail.

I also found a CD of Ladino Love Songs called "The Bride Unfastens Her 
Braids, The Groom Faints: Ladino Love Songs" by Etty Ben-Zaken. She has a 
website at

Judy Frankel has also recorded many beautiful Ladino love songs, and has 
some clips online at

Hope that helps at bit!

Josh Miller
joshuamiller2003 (at) kellogg(dot)northwestern(dot)edu

>I'm looking for upbeat Ladino songs that are appropriate to play/sing at
>a wedding.
>Any ideas?
>Sue Marx

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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