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[HANASHIR:12335] Re: Ma Tovu - It's the Morning
- From: Josh Miller <jmiller...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:12335] Re: Ma Tovu - It's the Morning
- Date: Wed 02 Oct 2002 15.23 (GMT)
Hello Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy,
"Ma Tovu - It's the Morning" was written by Rabbi Margot Stein (I believe
she titles it simply Ma Tovu). It is recorded on her CD, Create out of
Nothing and also on the Camp Swig/Newman CD Shir L'Yom Chadash. Note that
the song went through some "folk processing" before it made it to the Swig
CD, so the two versions are a bit different. Obviously, Rabbi Stein's
recording is how it was the originally written. :)
It appears that Rabbi Stein is working for the Jewish Reconstructionist
Federation now, and her contact info is all available on this site: I have never seen sheet music for
her song, but if its out there, I presume she would know.
Here's a link to her CD on
Here's a link to the Swig CD on
Hope that helps!
- Josh Miller
Evanston, Illinois
jmiller (at) songleaders(dot)org
At 02:00 AM 10/2/02, you wrote:
>From: "Devorah Felder-Levy" <cantor (at) shirhadash(dot)org>
>To: "Hanashir" <hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: [HANASHIR:12329] Ma Tovu - It's the MOrning
>Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 17:37:45 -0700
>Hi all,
>I was wondering if any one has the song - Ma Tovu - It's the Morning notated
>out in music.
>If so could you please let me know. I am singing it at a Bat Mitzvah next
>week and I know most of it, but the music would really come in handy.
>Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy
>Congregation Shir Hadash
>Los Gatos, CA
>cantor (at) shirhadash(dot)org
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:12335] Re: Ma Tovu - It's the Morning,
Josh Miller