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[HANASHIR:12325] job available

Hi everyone, I'm sending this job description out on behalf of
Congregation Kol Ami in White Plains, New York.  Its about 35 minutes
outside NYC, I used to work for them back in the day and its a great
place.  Also the new education director, Renee Holz is wonderful to work
with.  Take care, Shira Kline

Job Description for Music Teacher/Songleader

Required Skills: Able to play guitar and lead students in learning
tfilot and contemporary music with guidance from curriculum and pacing
charts. The position is
currently for approximately 2 ? hours on Sunday mornings when there is
Hebrew School (this year 27 weeks), following both a Jewish and secular
school holiday
calendar. In future years, it is expected that the position will grow to
approximately 4 hours each Sunday morning. Beginning immediately,
additional Sunday
morning/early afternoon and Wednesday afternoon positions possible.
Excellent salaries, some transportation available from NYC. Please fax
R.F. Holtz at

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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