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[HANASHIR:12318] Re: Hafinjan - lyrics question.

So:  are we passing the finjan around the circle, pouring ourselves hot coffee 
as we sit around the campfire?

Or:  are we dancing in a circle, around the finjan at the centre?

Or:  is the finjan suspended from a tripod kind of thing over the fire, and 
spinning around and around as it heats up?

One last point:  pronunciation:  is the j pronounced as a j, "finjan", or as a 
y, "finyan"?

Thanks again,

- Ros

9/30/02 4:51:22 PM, ilana axel <iaxel (at) yahoo(dot)com> wrote:

>It is made of metal, can be of various sizes, and has
>a long handle attached to it. It cooks the coffee by
>being set over, or even straight into, the fire. 
>--- Marsha Fensin <mfsings (at) ccr(dot)net> wrote:
>> Hi Ros,
>>     It is the "finjan" or coffee pot that is being
>> passed around.
>> Marsha
>> ------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
>> -----------------------+

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