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[HANASHIR:12310] RE: Julie S.

Words and music by Julie Silver

Candles burn in the window on this Friday night.
Listen close and look within, be part of our light.
We;re singing together joyfully, passing the love along.
Shabbos keeps our family, week by week we're going strong.

Chazak, chazak v'nitchazek
CHazak, chazak v'nitchazek
Be strong, be strong, and we will be strengthened.
Chazak, chazak v'nitchazek.

As we're teaching our children, they'll be teaching us too.
Book by book from the Torah, each one reads like new.
The tree of life is growing, it started from a seed.
We give it love and caring, it gives us the strength we need.

Grass grows through the sidewalk between the tiny cracks.
Sun pokes through on the grayest day and shines upon our backs.
Strength comes not from power, strength is being whole.
Fall asleep empty and wake up with a brand new soul.

Life may offer you hurdles, stumble-bruise your pride.
Pick yourself up, now you know,
The strength you need comes from inside.

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