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[HANASHIR:11841] Re: Tisha B'Av
- From: ilana axel <iaxel...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:11841] Re: Tisha B'Av
- Date: Thu 11 Jul 2002 15.16 (GMT)
Neil - Shefa Gold is one of the best resources I've
found for this type of experience (thanks to this list
and their suggestions to me a year ago!).
For starters, check out her songs in Shireinu
(Elohai), and also from her CD "Chants Encounters" /
"Echad - V'ikvotecha lo noda'u" from Psalm 77, or "Mah
Gadlu" psalm 92, or "Shiviti".
Good luck,
Ilana Axel
--- NeilNFW (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> I am helping to lead a "Psalming and Chanting"
> evening the night of Tisha
> B'Av. Since it is at the end of the holiday, we are
> going in this with the
> thought that not all we do should be lamenting.
> Any thoughts for repertoire? I'd appreciate the
> help.
> Neil Weinstein
> Bellevue, WA
Ilana Axel
Music Director/Jewish Music Specialist/Singer
Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Synagogue
Northbrook, Illinois
Tel: 847-279-0473
iaxel (at) yahoo(dot)com
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