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[HANASHIR:11835] SAVE THIS E-MAIL-Listproc Commands Available for SHAMASH Mailing List

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Listproc Commands Available for SHAMASH Mailing List Users 
[ Introduction <>  |
Commands <>  | Notes
<> | Other Documents
<> ] 

This table will provide sample commands for you to use with Shamash's
lists. The samples below use a few examples. 

Send all of your commands to listproc (at) shamash(dot)org
To send messages to the list, you send it to the list's address. 

*       For the name of a mailing list the example jewish-mailing is

*       Those samples needing the name of a person use Rebecca

*       When you see Password, use the password that was given to you
when you joined a list. 

*       Where it is necessary to change a current setting to a new one,
the words Current and New are used. 

All of these examples are ficticious, so you must substitute the mailing
list you are interested in, and your name in place of jewish-mailing and
Rebecca Rosenblatt. Also substitute the appropriate information for
Password, Current and New whenever necessary. 

Please note that many of these commands require you to be a member of
the list before you can use the command. This may vary from list to list

Several Listproc commands have alternate names, which you may have been
using. These alternate names are listed as "aliases" below, and are
merely synonyms. 

Command  Result  Example        
How do I join and leave a list? 
subscribe        Adds you to a list so that you receive mail from it.
(alias: join)   subscribe jewish-mailing Rebecca Rosenblatt     
unsubscribe      Removes you from a list so that you do not receive mail
from it. (alias: signoff)        unsubscribe jewish-mailing     
What lists exist at SHAMASH?    
lists (all)      Gets a list of mailing lists which includes names and
brief descriptions of all of SHAMASH's Lists.    lists  
lists (searching for)    Gets a list of mailing lists which contain the
search keyword(s) in their name or description. [see note 1
<> ]       lists local
info     Returns useful information about a list.        info
which    Shows you the names of all the lists to which you are
subscribed on the SHAMASH List Server.   which  
What options do I have for personal settings?   
set      Shows you what options you have configured for a list. (alias:
query) [see note 2 <> ]
set jewish-mailing      
set - address    Resets your e-mail address. [see note 3
<> ]       set
jewish-mailing address password New-address     
set - conceal no         Ensures that your name appears on the list of
subscribers for the list.        set jewish-mailing conceal no  
set - conceal yes        Conceals the fact that you are subscribed to
the list.        set jewish-mailing conceal yes 
set - mail ack   Ensures that you receive copies of messages which you
send to the list. [see note
<> 4]      set
jewish-mailing mail ack 
set - mail digest        Allows you to receive a compilation of messages
as one message.  set jewish-mailing mail digest 
set - mail noack         Ensures that you do not receive copies of
messages that you send to the list. [see note 4
<> ]       set
jewish-mailing mail noack       
set - mail postpone      Leaves you subscribed to the list, but halts
the receipt of mail from it.     set jewish-mailing mail postpone       
set - password   Permits you to reset your password. [see note 5
<> ]       set
jewish-mailing password old-password new-password       
purge    Removes you from all mailing lists on the SHAMASH List Server.
purge password  
How can I search and retrive information from the archives? [see note 6
<> ]      
index   Returns a list of archives available for a given list.   index
search  Searches an archive for the keywords provided. [see note 7
<> ]       search
jewish-mailing Israel & politics        
get     Allows you to retrieve a file from a list's archives.    get
jewish-mailing filename         
How can I get help from the listproc?   
help (general)   Returns useful information about listproc commands.
help (a list of topics)  Returns a list of topics which have help
information..    help topics    
help (specific)  Returns information related to the particular command
specified.       help set       


1. If you wish to use more than one search term, put a space between
each one. 

2. The Query command returns a list of personal settings just like the
Set command does, but cannot be used with specific options. 

3. You must send this command from the address under which you are
currently subscribed. Once completed, the original address will no
longer be valid; the address given in "new-address" will be used

4. If you receive mail digests from the specified list, the use of this
command will cause listproc to send the list's mail to you as individual
messages rather than as digests. 

5. First provide your current password, then your new password
(remember-passwords are case-sensitive and must be typed exactly). 

6. If the archives are password protected you have to add /password to
the commands below 

7. In order to convey the search terms you desire, you can use a single
word or phrase, or a regular expression in which ^ (carat) negates
whatever follows, | (vertical bar) and & (ampersand), respectively,
provide logical OR and AND, < and > (lesser and greater) are used to
group parts of regular expressions, and. (period) matches any character
(ie a wildcard) except the new-line character. 

Others links to obtain more information

  <> View the web version of
the User Reference Card v
<> 7.1, directly from
CREN, the makers of Listproc software. 
  <> Download the Complete
List User  <> Manual v 7.1 in
RTF format (which can be read by all wordprocessors), directly from


  <> Web Author: David
Rosenthal <mailto:drosen (at) shamash(dot)org>  
  <> Amended and updated
from: Cornell
University's Listproc Documentation created by Publications &
Information Group Academic Technology Services (ATS) Cornell Information
  <> Updated: January 1997 

 SHAMASH <> [ Home Page
<> | Search  <> | Help ]

Copyright © 1990-2002 Shamash: The Jewish Network. All rights reserved.

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