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[HANASHIR:11823] need Mamalushen words

We are planning a service of Americana for Friday night.  My Cantorial soloist 
was going to sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game and An American Tune from Mandy 
Patinkin's CD Mamalushin. --( both in Yiddish  ) I have an older congregation. 

No problem, I said-- I have the CD which also contains the words---  WRONG!!!!

Someone must have borrowed the CD and the words with it.. and never rreturned it

Can anyone either E mail me or FAX me the words to those 2 songs.  We are also 
doing "Tell me where can I go."  Those words I have.

E mail-
lvrabbi (at) lvcm(dot)com
FAX # 702 436 4900

As usual, many thanks.

Rabbi  Richard Schachet
Valley Outreach Synagogue

"The past has a vote, not a veto"
Mordecai Kaplan, z'l

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