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[HANASHIR:11822] re Carol Boyd Leon's book

I ordered Carol's new music book "
Songs From the Heart - Jewish Life Cycle."

Carol can be reached at CBLeon (at) hotmail(dot)com(dot)

I really urge you to order her book and begin to use her pieces.  You no longer 
have a problem with what to sing at various life cycle functions  from Birth to 
Death - or as we say  When you hatch, match and dispatch.    Her pieces are 
wonderful, spritual and melodic.

It is a way of aproaching music in your Shabbat and H..H. services.  Especially 
note her piece for Yizkor- We Will Remember Them, a song to one of Rabbi Jack 
Riemer's prayers.  It is a new song that can be easily included.
Rabbi  Richard Schachet
Valley Outreach Synagogue

"The past has a vote, not a veto"
Mordecai Kaplan, z'l

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