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[HANASHIR:11232] Re: Interfaith Music Festival

Hello, I am performing in an interfaith festival in May here in N.
California. I am interested in which one you will be at.  Your suggestions
seem like appropriate ones. Thanks - jennifer

on 4/5/02 12:55 PM, Ricki Baird at rbaird (at) slonet(dot)org wrote:

I am participating in an Interfaith Music Festival at the end of this month.
The mission of the festival is to promote understanding and respect among
different faiths, traditions and beliefs. Choirs, soloists and ensembles
from several different congregations in our county will be sharing songs of
worship and praise to uplift the spirit and engender feelings of love, hope
and peace. 

The organizing committee has discovered that the origin of the music sung in
today¹s Christian worship services came from what they described to me as
?the ancient Hebrew chanting of the cantors¹. (They specifically mentioned
the ?amen¹s and the halleluyah¹s.)

In light of this research, they have asked me to open the program by
chanting one of our ancient prayers. My first thought was Bar¹chu since it
is the call to worship, my second thought was V¹ahavta since the English
translation is read in the worship services of faiths other than our own?.

Any other ideas or suggestions are very welcome. And can someone help me out
in finding a Bar¹chu that fits the bill?

Ricki Baird, Soloist and Songleader

Congregation Beth David

San Luis Obispo, CA

Jennifer Karno
P.O. Box 1501
Mill Valley, CA 94942

(415) 380-8298
jenkarno (at) ix(dot)netcom(dot)com

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