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[HANASHIR:11184] job opening!


I just finsihed the truly incredible Bezalel arts weekend at Brandeis Bardin 
in Simi Valley.

The place is simply BEYOND!!!!

They are looking for a song director for the summer. Interested candidates 
should call Ed Gelb 805-582-4450. Tell 'em Craig sent you. 

On a seperate note...a heads up to all ye folks who either:

1. Like Craig 'n Co
2. Enjoy the Marshmallow easter candy Peeps 
3. Watch CNN religiously

Craig just finished producing a CD for this hit selling candy.   CNN will be 
doing small spots  between 2 and 6 times an hour starting at 5:50 a.m. est on 
Friday and will finish by 3 pm.  While it will be on regular CNN, it will 
also be offered to CNNfn as well as CNNI. (international)

So Happy Job hunting and Happy Watching and  Good Yuntif and  Shabbat Shalom 



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