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[HANASHIR:11159] Re: Q about kids vs. kavanah

In a message dated Wed, 13 Mar 2002  2:58:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, Janisbl 
(at) aol(dot)com writes:

> Has anyone tried to set expectations with a diplomatic announcement early on 
> in the service (or concert) ? If so, what were the results? 
> Janis Braun-Levine

At a local reform synagogue in Bellevue, WA, the rabbi will make an 
announcement at the beginning of the service offering the use of his office 
(which is close to the sanctuary) to anyone who feels the need to remove an 
"overly-spirited" child for a few minutes.

Neil Weinstein
Bellevue, WA

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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