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[HANASHIR:9672] Re: vocal care

Rachelle - I can certainly relate, unfortunately I've
had a lot of experience with this. 
The doctor is basically correct, but you can help
things along greatly by getting more rest than usual,
and by not talking, seriously, a total moratorium on
unecessary talking. Instead,let your singing and
breathing excercises clear up those passageways a bit.
Relaxation techniques are also very helpful in these
Also - if you are familiar with a post surgical
breathing technique of light high "panting" (yes, kind
of like Lamaze stuff) for keeping the lungs cleared by
getting the ribs to move lightly and quickly in and
out. This is recommended to keep those lungs clear,
instead of coughing more.
If you can tolerate honey - warm it up and drink it
often in tea or with lemon water.
If you are into herbal remedies - I would often take
capsules of echinacea, goldenseal and propolis. I
think Big Sky is a company that makes them.Any health
food store will have a variety of options.
And last but not least - try not to cough so much.
Your body wil slowly absorb most of the "junk" and the
irritation caused by the coughing can calm down.
Hope this helps a bit! Good luck!
Ilana Axel, Chicagoland
--- H & R Shubert <notfranz (at) total(dot)net> wrote:
> As the High Holy Days approach I find that I am in
> the fifth week of recovering from some kind of
> bronchial infection or a new allergy I have never
> experienced where the main symptoms are heavy
> coughing and (excuse me) phlegm buildup, the latter
> of which gets severely in the way of singing.  The
> doctor says all I can do is wait and drink water. 
> Meanwhile I am in heavy rehearsal and performing
> mode.  I am asking anyone who has had this kind of
> condition and has been helped by alternative methods
> to contact me with remedy ideas because I am quite
> desperate at this point.  
> Thanks,
> Rachelle
> notfranz (at) total(dot)net

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