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[HANASHIR:9591] Re: Apples and Honey (and old dances)

I tried sending this once -- not sure it went through, so here it is again --

There are 2 Rosh Hashanah blessings before eating apple & honey:


"Baruch ata Adonai,

Eloheinu Melech ha-olam

Borei p'ri ha-etz.

 Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe,

Who creates the fruit of the tree.


Y'hi ratzon mi-l'fanecha Adonai Eloheinu v'elohei avoteinu shet'chadeish 
aleinu shana tova u'me-tuka


 May it be Your will to renew us for a good and sweet year."


I don't know that there is any "tune" for either b'racha.

As for the dance you were recalling -- it sounds like the dance that goes to 
the song "Yeish Lanu Tayish" -- 

* Dancers form 2 lines facing each other. 

* The people at the head of each join hands, sidestep quickly down and back 
between the lines, return to their original place and make a bridge with 
their hands 

* The 2 lines go under their arms and make U-turns to the outside, re-forming 
the lines. 

* The "bridge" couple break apart, following their respective line to the 
end, leaving a new couple at the front to repeat the routine. 

* Continue until every "couple" has had a turn at the head of the line.

(Hope this makes any sense at all!)

Linda Salvay 

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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