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[HANASHIR:9588] Re: Apples and Honey (and old dances)


The blessing for fruit is "Baruch Atah... borei p'ri ha-eitz (who creates
fruit of the tree).  Ralph, "borei p'ri ha-adamah" is for vegetables (fruit
of the dirt).  In my opinion, brachot should be taught in a module all
their own.  Once you know a few of them, it's fun to be able to use them.

The dance you refer to is the Virginia Reel, but most often done in young
Jewish circles to "Yesh Lanu Tayish" ("I have a billy goat").  Kids, as
well as adults, have a lot of fun with this dance.

Have a good Shabbos,

>At 11:38 PM 8/16/01 EDT, you wrote: 
>At our Sunday School teacher training this evening, our Hebrew teacher was 
>asked to teach the children the blessing for apples and honey.  She did not 
>know it, but I was sure someone on this list would.  Or at least direct me
>where I can find it.  Also, is there a melody line for this blessing?  She 
>would like to teach that also if available.   
>Second request:  At the end of the first day of Sunday School, I will gather 
>all of the students together to make and decorate shaker eggs.  When done,
>will use them to accompany a circle dance which I would like to end with
>here is where I need help) a sort of line dance that I can't remember the 
>name of.  This will test the memories of our older readers.  Remember the 
>dance where two lines were formed and the first two people at the head of
>lines would dance in between the lines and end up at the other end?  All I 
>can remember is teased hairdos and bias cut skirts.  Will anyone admit to 
>remembering what that dance was called?  I know I'll wake up at 3 this 
>morning and think of it. 
>Thanks to all for your help.  I can't wait to let you know how my first day 
>of teaching goes.  I hope the anticipation (and the work) doesn't overshadow 
>the results. 
>Linda Barton 
>Congregation B'nai Dorot 
Andy Curry
Field Applications Engineer
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------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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