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[HANASHIR:9583] Songleader in NJ?

Temple Emanu-El of Westfield, New Jersey is creating a new Shabbat morning
service as an alternative to our regular service (at which B'nai Mitzvah are
celebrated) and a morning minyan.  The service will seek to incorporate the feel
of a kallah or camp service, with a focus on musical prayer.  The goal is to
create a vehicle to help participants extend Shabbat from what might otherwise
be a Friday-night-only affair.

We are seeking a songleader to lead the services (which will occur twice each
month, at least at the beginning) with one of our rabbis.  I and other members
will likely join in from time-to-time, but we are looking for someone to be the
musical backbone of this exciting new service.

Please email me if you have any interest, need any other information, or can
think of anyone who might be interested.

Robert Holtzman
rholtzman (at) kramerlevin(dot)com

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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