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[HANASHIR:9535] Jonah: A Rock Musical Score/Libretto

Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy asked about
    Jonah: A Rock Musical, which was performed at last year's CAJE.
I was privileged to be a member of the Original Cast (really a back-up
choir) for this production, when it was first being performed in the NY-NJ
(My move to  Milwaukee two years ago meant I couldn't continue with it.)
It was written by Benjamin Gruder -- who is one of the founding members of
SHIRAH (a very large Jewish community choir in northern NJ).  Obviously,
there was and is a score AND a libretto, but I don't know if he has yet
published either one for use apart from an actual production of the musical.
Best course is to ask him directly.
He can be reached at his e-mail address, which is:  beninabox (at) 

Good luck.

David A. Blumberg
Cantorial Soloist
Congr. Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun
Milwaukee, WI

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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