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[HANASHIR:9318] Re: Tein Shabbat

I have a memory of it from the old Velvel Pasternak
songbooks from the 1970-80's, but I don't have one any
more - maybe you can check them out! 
Ilana Axel in Chicago
--- Devorah Felder-Levy <cantor (at) shirhadash(dot)org> wrote:
> Does anyone have sheet music for Tein Shabbat?  My
> rabbi's son wants to use it in his Bar Mitzvah
> service.  I have it in the NFTY chorster, but I
> don't play guitar.
> Thanks,
> Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy
> Congregation Shir Hadash
> Los Gatos, CA
> cantor (at) shirhadash(dot)org

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