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[HANASHIR:9305] Teaching a baal/at tefillah class
- From: Lawrence Kay <LarryTheKay...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:9305] Teaching a baal/at tefillah class
- Date: Wed 13 Jun 2001 19.57 (GMT)
Hi, all,
I may have a chance to teach a Shabbat morning & evening baal/at tefillah
class at a local Conservative synagogue. I've been a soloist or baal
tefillah in Conservative and unaffiliated synagogues since '86, and have
tutored a few people in Shabbat morning davening. But teaching a whole
class is a new thing, and I wonder if people have some general suggestions,
books, serial publications, or Internet resources I can go to in order to
figure out how to structure the class.
Thanks one and all for your help,
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:9305] Teaching a baal/at tefillah class,
Lawrence Kay