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[HANASHIR:9304] Hava Nashira and such

A week and half after Hava Nashira and 3 days before a trip to I thought I'd better comment on Hava Nashira before the 
slate was wiped clean with the next experience.

It was fabulous being at Hava Nashira this year.

Perhaps it was a bit over programmed (before Shabbat) and perhaps 
there should have been a core curriculum option for the veterans who 
don't necessarily need basic song leading training anymore.

But overall the staff did a great job putting the program together. 
Every staff member brought a lot to the table.  A particular kudos to 
Dan Nichols who's music, in particular the Or Zarua, is still 
haunting me.

Hava Nashira was truly a rejuvenating experience...I learned lots of 
new music and found myself spiritually satisfied.

I do wish that the program did officially recognize that this 
rejuvenation is part of the reason why a big chunk of people come to 
the program rather than discourage this incentive as happened in a 
pre-Hava Nashira e-mail to the list.

Anyway.  I'm glad I went and it was great to be with all of you again 
this year.

I'm off to Israel to see what I can do to solidify the cease fire.

Peace out,


Lupert: It's The Website - & - Poetry Super Highway

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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