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[HANASHIR:9244] Fwd: Situation wanted for Jewish-German teen

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From: Tanja [mailto:TanyaG (at) gmx(dot)de] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 6:25 PM
To: svogel (at) btfiloh(dot)org
Subject: Would be very happy to get an answer

my name is Tanya,
I'm an 18 years old Jewish girl from Germany.
I'm very sorry to bother you, but I'd like to go 
to USA for a month, in my summer holydays, wich are from (July, 22 to
September, 10)
this year as an Au-pair (babysitter) to an American familly to learn
I found your e-mail adress on my resaerch to find a way to do it
and hoped you could help me to find an American- Jewish family,
who needs a babysitter for a month.   
I love children, speek fluenly Russian
(because I was born in Kiew/Ukraine)
and German.
I learn English for 5 years at school,
and French for 3 years.
I would be very happy to get an answer.
Tanya Grinberg

Joan Feldman
jfeldman (at) btfiloh(dot)org
410-486-1905 Ext. 312

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