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[HANASHIR:9243] Re: Hava Nashira

I would like to add a couple of highlights in addition to the ones previously 

Musically:  Debbie's "Ushmor" and Dan's "Mi Chamocha"

Sharing:  The pre-school session we had upstaris in the Bayit, where Janis and 
I taught Linda's Tzedakah shake and Craig Parks taught the "Capo Song."

Staff:  I learned so much from Jeff this year.  He truly is a great 
teacher--one who loves his subject dearly.  And his Dylan-esque performance was 

OSRUI:  Zena and Isaac, you guys were great.  Thanks for handling my situation 
as well as all the other little things that popped up.

Beit Cafe:  A little self-serving, but I had so much fun in the funk-jazz 
sextet that sprang from a Craig Parks jazz riff.  Craig, Josh, Ira, Les, Eric 
and I had a great time jamming on the stage for everyone.  

Late night:  On Saturday night, our "Sang Hall Core Group" of five met for a 
little late night jam.  About an hour into it, we were greeted with a flood of 
people.  I likened it to the ending scene in "Field of Dreams" where you can 
see the long line of car headlights coming through the corn fields.  We had a 
wonderful time, singing, playing and laughing until 4:15 for me, and I know 
others made it until about 8! 

Also, to echo Les, I love to watch Judy get up and translate her passion and 
the passion of the music into something visual that we all can share.

Thanks everyone, and if any of you are in the Northwest, please call me!

Neil Weinstein
NeilNFW (at) aol(dot)com

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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