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[HANASHIR:9235] Give us a full report on HN 2001

Dear HN attendees,
For the benefit of those of us who were NOT able to attend HN this year, 
please give us a rundown of the high points (well, I'm sure the whole 
experience was a high point) of the 4 days.

What were the new "gotta-go-home-and-learn-that-song-right-away" runaway hits?

What were the "incredible moments" from songleading sessions, workshops and 

Was there a wonderful Saturday evening program that blew everyone away (and 
if so, please describe in detail)?

Were there any miraculous HN moments that simply can't be replicated anywhere 
else? (Like the time a couple of years ago when the power outage ended in the 
midst of Debbie's "Yotzer Or" during Shabbat morning services.)

OK, you HN-niks! Time to share!

Missed you guys -- hope to see you next year.

Linda Salvay

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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