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[HANASHIR:9232] safe trip/ sim shalom
- From: Carol Anderson <caanders...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:9232] safe trip/ sim shalom
- Date: Mon 04 Jun 2001 04.43 (GMT)
HI everyone,
I have a Question for anyone who lead the service Thursday morning in the
lodge. What Sim Shalom did you do? Where can I get the music? Thanks.
Thanks to all of you who shared your religious school songs and ideas with
me. They were all wonderful.
I wanted to let you guys know (especially Judy, Steve, Adina and Susan). I
made it to Detroit and home alive. We left OSRUI at 10:45pm Saturday
nightand arrived in Detroit at 7am. Alan drove the whole way so I got to
sleep a few hours in the car. We Checked into the hotel, slept for 2 hrs
and went to our student Rabbi's wedding. The reception was at the hotel so
that was nice. we left for home at 5pm and got home at 9. I do regret
missing Havdalah and the sunday activities. But I would have probably been
an emotional mess. I was crying when Craig sang "Hello G-d" and during
several services. It was a wonderful 4 days and I learned so much.
I always wondered what my husband would think of HN. He was only there for
3 hours, he said he loved the harmonies and the quiet calm singing but
didn't care for the loud singing and banging and stomping. He has a hard
time with anything loud. He really liked the snap crackle pop song and the
Bag Bag song. Thanks for Sharing!!
Shavuah tov,
Carol Anderson
Education Director
Para Rabbinic Fellow
Temple B'nai Israel
Kokomo, Indiana
20 families
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:9232] safe trip/ sim shalom,
Carol Anderson