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[HANASHIR:9231] Re: We're waitin'

Dear  Chevra --

I have just returned from my first Hava Nashira.  It lived up to its billing 
and more!  Among the many things that impressed me were the passion of all of 
those who attended, many of whom are volunteers in their own congregations as 
educators and music teachers and songleaders; the multi-generational age 
range, which clearly revealed that both the young and less-young are full of 
wisdom and silliness; and the blinding talent of so many!!!  I have come home 
with many new friends and at least a year's worth of great music to share 
with my congregants.  As I listen to the hours and hours of tapes I recorded, 
I look forward to reliving those wonderful moments when our voices joined in 
beautiful harmony on so many beautiful niggunim and other songs.  Many thanks 
to the generosity of our faculty members -- Craig (YAY Homeroom #6!!!!!!!), 
Dan, Debbie, Ellen, Jeff, and Rosalie -- whose life work is sharing their 
love of Yiddishkeit with music, for sharing their techniques and passions 
with us.

Yes, Adrian, it was great!  See you next year!

Anna Ott

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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