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[HANASHIR:9225] Re: Online Ruach


In response to Adrian Durlester's question: "So share some stories about
how Judaism and your involvement with Jewish music has affected your life!"

I was propagated Jewish, raised as nothing and ultimately became
Christian by faith. For many years now it has been my ministry to
provide music to seniors in Retirement, Assisted Living, Convalescent
and Alzheimer (dementia) facilities in Southern California. I married
Patty 10 years ago who has since joined me in this ministry. She is one
of the finest unknown singers around. Many of the 1 hour long programs
we do are at facilities catering to Jewish seniors. These kind folks
have a greater identification with Jewish pop music than with music sung
at the Temple. Example: Anytime we sing songs popularized by Al Jolson
or Sophie Tucker we are rewarded with much applause. In fact, several
Temple organizations have asked us to perform for their functions.
Please understand, our music cuts across many borders. Not only do we do
"Jewish" music, but Christian, pop, Italian, Irish, etc.

Now here is a problem: We have difficulty finding excellent Jewish songs
written in English. All residents in attendance need to understand what
we are singing. As a result, I have written some Jewish songs which are
now very popular with Jewish residents (and most others as well). Not
long ago, I performed one of my songs called "The Passover Song." The
song is written as though it is expressed by a first born youngster.
This song identifies the reason and history of Passover. Afterwards 10
Jewish Senior men and women asked us what I meant by the song. It was
apparent, though they celebrate the Passover, they have no clue why!
Naturally, being a student of the Bible, I explained what they needed to know.

I have also written a dynamic Hora called "Happy Hanukkah!" When I
perform this I give the residents the history behind Hanukkah. Now,
despite the fact that most Jewish residents celebrate Hanukkah as they
were brought up, they  really don't know why. My song identifies the
history of Hanukkah as well as some of the events that Jewish people
identify with that celebration. An added benefit is that non Jewish
people now get to know what some Jewish celebrations are all about.

Patty and I need some more songs like that. If you have one or more and
would like to share with me, please do so. I will also gladly make
available my songs and even a demo tape recording. We would love for a
Jewish publisher to try our songs. Are you one? Please let me know. Good
songs need to be shared.

And as an aside, if you ever want to know how this Jewish boy escaped
the Nazis when living in Holland, save a couple of hours and I'll share
my story. And if you want to know why this Jewish boy became a
Christian....... well. you get the idea. Adrian, you're not going to run
me off now, are you?

Frank Freeman
Freemusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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