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[HANASHIR:8945] House Concert

Hi All,
The concert that took place in my living room on Saturday night was 
absolutely wonderful.  Steve Dropkin, Shirona and Rick Calvert sang to over 
thirty people who loved every minute of the performance.

Ken Alter explained the magic of the evening when he wrote: "In front of a 
packed living room, Steve Dropkin, Shirona and Rick Calvert performed their 
inspirational songs. Steve was very funny as usual, Shirona sang like an 
angel and Rick wove his magic on the guitar."

The audience participated in the concert and sang along when asked to join 
in.  Many of those attending were familiar with the music and those who 
weren't were humming along in short order.  Many of those who attended the 
concert are rabbis, cantors, music specialists and educators.  It is a 
terrific thing for those of us who are involved in this community to come out 
and support the performers who write the music that we sing at home, at 
religious school and in the sanctuary.   

The effort that goes into organizing such an evening is minimal compared to 
the joy 
that is spread at such an event.  If you have the space in your homes to 
sponsor a concert don't hesitate to try it.

Thank you to Steve, Shirona and Rick who made the place "rock" while they 
took us on a musical journey.
Barbara Stambler

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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