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[HANASHIR:5927] Re: Creative worship services

Our syngagogue school (Conservative) came up with just such a service that we 
used this year with great success. We made up our own little "siddur-ette", 
which includes:

Modeh Ani
Ma Tovu
La-asok B'Divrei Torah
Morning Blessings (in English)
"Hodu LaShem" (the stand-up/sit-down version)
Psalm 150
Yotzer Or
Shema/ V'ahavta
Mi Chamocha
Amidah (a VERY quick one including only Avot and Oseh Shalom)
Adon Olam

We have never been ablte to do ALL of it, but rather, have chosen different 
parts of the service to emphasize each time (it's a monthly Sunday a.m. 
service  -- not longer than 30 minutes -- for K-2 and their parents). Also, 
the rabbi interjects "discussions" and themes for the kids to think about as 
we go through the service. It has worked very well. Hope this helps!

Linda Salvay

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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