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[HANASHIR:5387] Re: Hoppa Hey--The other one!

Shalom chaverim, Before Andy's folk dance teacher tries to fit the words
shared in the last digest, of Hoppa Hey to the dance, it is a different,
newer song of the same name that has an Israeli dance to it. The newer
hoppa hey was written for the Children's song festival over a decade ago
(which year escapes me...) and was sung by Gidi Gov. I don't recall who
wrote it. I only remember a few lyrics from the chorus. They are:
Hoppa hoppa hoppa hoppa hey
Tashir itanu hoppa hoppa hoppa hey.
K'she-atah atsuv kol-kach,
Tamid t'ahoppa al tishkach,
Tashir itanu hoppa hoppa hoppa hey.

Which basically means,"hoppa hey, sing with us hoppa hey, whenever you
are so sad, don't forget the hoppa, and sing with us hoppa hey."

I hope this helps, Andy. Regards, Laura Harari

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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