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[HANASHIR:5285] Re: Children's Bedtime materials?

>Dear Batya,
>I would begin my preparation for this presentation by studying the
traditional bedtime prayers, which can be found in orthodox siddurim (e.g.,
the Artscroll).  These take up several pages and include the opening
"Hamapil" blessing, a short Shma, selected psalms, and Adon Olam.  This
liturgy's primary focus is that Hashem is always with us, and therefore
"v'lo ira" - there is no need to fear.  It is really quite beautiful, and
most of us are probably not aware of it.  Then, you could focus on what
pieces of it might be most meaningful for children.
>I have set two parts ("Hamapil" and "Rigzu") to music, but they may be
more suited for adults.  Good luck!
>Kol tuv, 
>At 09:46 AM 2/20/00 EST, you wrote:
>>For a presentation I will be doing (for parents)
>>on (Jewish) children's bedtime rituals, I was wondering
>>whether anyone has any special materials, songs, 
>>or other resources that could be helpful.
>>Todah Rabbah!
Andy Curry
6016 Holmes St
Kansas City MO 64110-3034
Home: (816)363-8381
Work: (913)312-4739

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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