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[HANASHIR:5257] RE: HANASHIR digest 803

>Also, has anyone ever heard of Gymel?  Apparently it was used in England's
>liturgical music (likely not Jewish) during the medieval period.  I
>couldn't help but think of the Hebrew letter when I read about it.
>Especially since Gymel is a form of two part harmonization in intervalls of
>a third and Gymel is also the number three.  Perhaps someone has studied
>the significance of this parallel?  I think the word meant "twin voices" to
>the author, but I couldn't help but notice the symbolic importance of the
>number three in the form.  Did they borrow the term from us?

I have not heard of this, but "gymel" sounds a bit like the French words
"jumeau" or "jumelle", which mean "twin".

Janet Pape

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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